Growing up my parents had very little money. We never went on vacations,we would go on rides in the country and stop at fruit stands and buy the best apples,that weren't sold in the grocery store. Riding our bicycles, going to a swimming hole with friends, playing with Barbie dolls,climbing trees and swinging from what we called "Monkey trees",was our form of entertainment.Life seemed so simple with no major problems.Now, in adulthood we have the freedom to make decisions of where we live, do I stay with this job,which bill to pay first as my money is limited?It's easy to get into a "rut" and forget we had a childhood and overlook what God has provided in our world, as well as overlook what gave us laughter,fun as a child. Sometimes we need to recapture that childhood otherwise the time will come our bodies are aged and life itself we may feel has no value. A question may come up,"Do you feel old"?How do you answer that question? I, admit that I think about getting older, but that doesn't sadden me. Life is still precious as if I were a child. Taking time to enjoy my surroundings,family, friends and being like a child who just wants to play and enjoy life. I, never had the opportunity to ride go carts as a child.Oh! what fun. I'm in my 60's, I love go carts. Years ago, my husband, his daughter, my sister in law and my niece went to Walt Disney World. We went as children, not as adults. Laughter, goofing off, eating way too much at buffets, was a great memory. During that time,I got the "go cart fever". Feeling the air hitting our faces, the laughter and determination to drive with speed and beat all of the family to complete the number of laps, before the ride was over. I, still have this "child" in me to dare a family member/fried to race. I, don't know what there is with me and kites. I rarely run, but give me a kite and i will run to catch the ocean breeze to have the highest kite in the air. My husband and friends know I like bubble gum. No, I shouldn't swallow it. I'm told it sticks to your inner body parts. My child in me doesn't listen so in my 60's I still do this. I, know this may be gross. Whenever, I get into a "rut", and forget to make life less boring and overlook My world, I tell myself, stop, be a child and enjoy what God has given us as well as those activities that give us pleasure. What thing or activities do you do or what to do to make life more enjoyable? Time creeps up so fast,that one day, we are no longer of this earth.
Where has time gone bye?
My face aged with wrinkles,
my eyes tired.
Where has time gone bye?
No longer a child,an adult
All grown up and time goes bye.
Time, goes bye, doing this and
that, but where's the fun,
enjoyment of life?
Laughing, climbing trees,
playing house, those days
are gone.
Now, I'm grown I'm no longer
playing house. My house is my
house with mortgage and all.
Life seemed to be more simple.
I, played , laughed,noticed the
birds flying, caterpillars becoming
butterflies, and the wonders
of life being special.
Where has time gone bye?
Let me find it.
Don't wait for the verge of death before
you begin to live.
The time to be alive is now.
Life begins every morning when we wake up.
Rose this is a great post. Being old now, I came from a family of 12 with mom and dad. I am the only one left, and I miss every one of them, most I miss my son who died at 42 from complications of multiple sclerosis and my second husband who died of serious heart problems at age 37. But to get to the point. I was the baby of the family and I now know we were poor,very poor but guess what,I never knew we were poor. That was what I was born into and I knew as I got older we must have been happy. However we lived on a farm and my brother and dad at times seemed sad and I know now they7 were trying to stretch that money for the absolute necessities of life. Like you Rose when I got older I loved going to State Fairs,. I must stop commenting on your blog. You stir up memories and I get carried away, and comment to long. I love your posts.
ReplyDeleteI am unable to do most of these things, because I am truly old and need surgeries. I just had to buy a cane, even. But I certainly know how to enjoy life and suck every moment from it without getting physical. It would be lovely to crawl into a hot air balloon for a ride, or get in a go cart, alas, my time for being able to do all those things is past. But I have eyes to see and a camera to snap!!
ReplyDeleteTo swing is still a lot of fun for me, and everytime I remember the swing in my back yard when I was a child, the swings at the park and the school ground. Sand castles are a must at the beach. Always do what you enjoy as long as no one else gets hurt. Most things are enjoyable at any age.
ReplyDeleteLove your poem.
Beautiful and profound post Rose! My dad died way too young ... at the start of my adulthood and career. That loss taught me to appreciate every day and to live life to its fullest and not become so obsessed with anything that I missed what was around me every day. I learned to try to find joy in ordinary things, every day. Some of the best days are ones where we don't do anything in particular other than hang out together. I'm really grateful to have a teenager who still likes to be with his parents. Have a wonderful day sweet Rose.
ReplyDeleteoh, Rose! this is a wonderful post and a lovely poem. I can really relate to Lucy's comment. You do stir up so much that I could write endlessly on it so I'll be brief.
ReplyDeleteGrew up poor but learned to be creative and learned to achieve higher than what I had all through that my faith got stronger. We had the simple pleasures of life and so it wasn't complicated and littered with choices.
when I was a child I use to make my own cut out dolls and clothes then I did it with my children and from there made clothes for barbies. i thought that would be good to get into again.
I love playing board games and cards. But creating games were the best. Now I create stories.
thank you Rose
take care
Hi Rose - Too old is when you are 6 feet under. As far as I am concerned, age is two numbers paired together. it's what you do with your time that counts!
I do try to enjoy each day and take time to play. Being around my Grandkiddos reminds me what being a child is...when I was young we played outdoors constantly because no one really sat around watching TV...only 3 stations to see anyway! With 6 kids in my family we too had a very tight budget but I never felt poor...I love flying kites. I always say that you can't fly a kite and not smile! Have a great day Rose!
ReplyDeleteHI ROSE,
Hi Rose, love this post!!!
ReplyDeleteI have almost no memories of my childhood and youth, except that I was an only child who spent many hours alone in my room with a book. I'm 62, and my grandsons definitely show me how to play and enjoy those small pleasures. I also enjoy that I can stun them sometimes with what I can do that they can relate to, like hit a baseball so hard that I get an easy homerun, or pick up a dead snake and save it for them to see!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! "Stop, be a child and enjoy what God has given us as well as those activities that give us pleasure." Excellent advice. I'm blessed to have a two year old at home, so that makes it easier to see the world through a child's eyes. Still one needs to remind oneself in the hustle and bustle and challenges of our adult life to take a moment and stop to smell those proverbial roses. Pun intended. You and Gerry have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rose - I love blogging and reading other's blogs because they uplift me and help remind me of things such as you've written,
ReplyDeleteGod Bless<
Hello Rose, Yes life does go by, its hard to understand exactly how it passes.. as at the time it seems so slow. I grew up on a farm. We didn't own a car, mum bought one when I was about fourteen. I had one doll which I looked after very well. We read books. There was no television, so we listened to the radio. No one talked at those times, every ear was glued. Mum is now almost ninety three, she has been wonderful and I will miss her dearly when she is no longer around. My elder brother is in his seventies and has alzheimers. I have two elder sisters and a younger brother. There is a big age gap between the three elder children and the last two. God is good.
ReplyDeleteMuch love Crystal xxx
Rose, you are such a poetic and deep thinker. I don't like to think of age...I tend to get sad when I do. I just try to remember to be thankful for each day I am given with family and friends.
ReplyDeleteI love your last line. And your post is spot on. I don't feel older although I know I am. I must admit I don't like go karts, but I'd fly a kite any day!
ReplyDeleteHi Rose, A very touching post. I grew up enjoying the simple joys in life too. I loved to swing on a swing Daddy made. I rode a skateboard my brother made. Because of mother being blind most of my life, I have a real appreciation for the gift of sight. Even though I am older and stiff now and am not very physical, I still can look out the window and enjoy God's beautiful creation. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday Rose.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, of course about age. I think my biggest problem is dealing with the empty nest issue...it's the end of an era that I am not ready to see and I may be equating it with age...hmmm... food for thought! I am a new follower from Over 40!
ReplyDeleteHi Rose, my Joe and I act like young people all the time. Sometimes we forget that we are not in our twenties anymore. Laughing and good innocent fun is good for our marriage and our best defense against children who lack humor. Thanks bunches for visiting me. hugs♥olive
ReplyDeleteYou won my give away. Email me at kmort10@hotmail.com with your info.
ReplyDeleteHi Rose: Thank you for reminding us to live. I think we all need to remember what you said today. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rose, for a beautiful and important post!
I love this post Rose! I feel so youthful! I use to swallow bubble gum too. I am pretty sure it did not hurt us as we are still here! LOL! Great poem too! I like the way you write. Blessings to you today! Anne
ReplyDeleteMy favorite child like thing to do is go to the park and go round and round on the merry go round. It always takes me back to when I was about 8 years old.
ReplyDeleteI sent you a msg on FB and then decided to go through all my comments to find you! And I did! Omg...I so love this poem Rose! And am so very glad to have found you and follow you again! Hugs...Mitzi