In my last post, I shared with you that my husband had gone from Georgia to Texas. His mission was to build an outdoor playhouse for our grand daughter within a 2 week time frame. I, remained home to babysit our 5 children(dogs). The word HODGEPODGE, refers to a jumble, assortment, mixed bag. In this post I would like to share this HODGEPODGE of photos which will include those taken of our grand daughter's playhouse as well as photos taken at our home in Georgia. Background, my husband is a very smart man . He has a mechanical background and is a tinker. He will try his very best to solve a problem and complete a project. Having no experience, he agreed to build this playhouse. Upon arriving at his daughter's home, he came up with his daughter and son in law a basic idea of a playhouse. Supplies were purchased, there was no turning back.I, would have daily discussions about his project. Time going bye, he admitted it was more work than expected. Now, let me tell you this, my husband always will say "I can do this,it won't take long". Not so as my husband gets more mentally involved in a project that extra time and work becomes noticeable. As daily discussions occur, it's apparent that this playhouse was going to be unique. The size is big enough that it could be used eventually as an office. there is electrical wiring, windows, insulation, and a small air conditioner. It's hot in Texas, so we needed to have a way to cool the inside of this playhouse for our grand daughter to be comfortable while playing. I, told my husband, he built a mini house, he agreed. No matter what this mission was accomplished. the playhouse was completed in slightly over 2 weeks. It was the combined efforts of my husband, the contractor and builder, as well as the chief money suppliers and designers, Mom and Dad.There is no doubt that this project became a labor of love by all parties ,from myself , my husband and his daughter and son in law. Isn't this what family is all about, sharing ,caring,helping those we love. There is no doubt that this wonderful memory will always be in our hearts. Included in this post are photos of this playhouse, as well as photos of my life with our babies at home in Ga. while all of the planning and building was completed. Please note that our children are taking it easy. it's just too hot. Can you recall any family efforts that will always be in your mind as so important or unusual?
Good Morning Rose, What an adorable play house; I think we would all love that one! Such cute pics of your pets too. Looks like they are trying to stay cool in this heat.
ReplyDeleteGood mroning Rose! Great looking playhouse. I will bet that your grand daughter will really love it. I had one as a kid - loved it!
What an adorable playhouse. I am sure the kids will love it. I would love to have one in my back yard too. :). Gerry
ReplyDeleteThe playhouse is so cute. I'm sure it will get a lot of use! :)
ReplyDeleteThe playhouse rocks! Way to go Hubs!!
ReplyDeleteWhat I wouldn't have given to have a playhouse like that as a child! I am sure your granddaughter will have so many grand memories playing in her new house! =)
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving your comments on my "hope" post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful play house. And what a wonderful granddaddy your husband is to go all the way to Texas to build it!!
I love the photos of the pooches, especially the one on her back with legs up in the air. That is a familiar pose in our house as well. We only have two dogs, and they keep us hoppin'....I cannot imagine having five!!
Blessings to you,
Patti ~ Fill My Cup with Beauty
I'll have to show this to my husband. We're wanting to build my son some sort of playhouse for his 2nd birthday coming up. Being from the south, I have to agree with the above post. To work in this heat building a playhouse is awesome parents and grandparents.
ReplyDeleteYou have cute dogs, too. We have one in the house and 3 outside. Our "house dog" just can't survive in the heat, bless his heart. :)
A labor of love indeed!
ReplyDeleteOHHHH, we have been wanting to build a play house for our gr-kids too, but seems like time gets a way from us! Of course my grown kids say, "You didn't build one for us!...." But I say, "Better late than never:)"
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute playhouse! I remember when my husband built one for our daughter, but it wasn't nearly as eloborate. Our hubbys must be a lot alike...sort of "jacks of all trades". My husband built the house that we currently live in, all by himself, just 4 years ago--at age 57. Electrical, plumbing, construction, and all.
ReplyDeleteI was sorry to hear about your accident and your nose. I'm glad that your nose was all that was broken--and not an arm or leg.
I understand why your babies love the A/C with this intense Georgia heat that we are having. I live near the Savannah/Statesbro area. What area do you live in?
Thank you for visiting with me. I enjoyed it as well as your blog. Most of all, I appreciate you becoming a follower. I love this little house. That is about the size I need.
ReplyDeleteI would love a little playhouse like that .... for myself! hahaha!
Your grandkids are going to love that and they will remember grandpa who made it for them. Adorable.
Hi Rose, Thanks for your comment on my Wild About Whidbey blog. I also keep one on my husband's cancer journey- Ron's Road 2 Recovery.
ReplyDeleteI joined your blog. It is interesting to read about different people's life and experiences.
Have a great day!
I'd love to have a place like that for myself, to escape. It's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteSweet house! What a talented hubby you have.. My hubbs always starts projects with "This is going to be a breeze"...that's when I start to sweat! We have many fond memories of helping my in-laws at their little farm years ago when projects needed man power..I think there is no greater bonding than working together as a family. (and then playing together!)Cute pics of the pups too!
ReplyDeleteHi Rose,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments on my blog. Isn't that great about the Pittsburgh connection. And actually, Patti is originally from the area as well. Oh, and thanks for the info on the Chez tea cup - you really have me wondering about it now. And great play house - tell your hubby great job!
Yikes! That's a small house and I love the ceiling - no wonder it took longer than he thought.
ReplyDeleteI also love the fabric on your sofa with the throw thrown across it. I'm looking for something just like that for the sofa we're redoing through Sears...which maybe the problem. I think we have to go through a designer, ugh!
Love the doggie shots. Awesome play house, my huband cant build a sandwitch.
ReplyDeleteI've been painting the living room for weeks now...one wall at a time. Not working out so well...its hard to do anything around nap time.
Aw. How sweet. I love the doggie pics!
ReplyDeleteIts a unique, pretty, gorgeous playhouse and most importantly it is done with love by family. Like you said labor of love. Your husband is such a nice guy to have travel that far to help out with the Playhouse. You two are both lucky to have each other. I enjoyed watching the photos of all your babies that keeping you busy and occupied. Thats good thing they are all taking the day easy because of the hot weather. Thank for sharing this wonderful story and your children.
ReplyDeleteThis was an awesome project, and everyone put so much into it... lots of sweat (and even some blood- from your last post) I looks like it turned out beautifully, too. Love all the pictures of both places.
ReplyDeleteI remember helping my Dad and a friend that was like a brother build a big tree house. It was about 4.5 - 5 feet wide by about 8 ft. long and about 6 ft. tall and it was built up in a HUGE fig tree in our back yard. The floor was about 10 ft. up in the air (above the ground). You climbed up the tree and went through a trap door to get into it. It was wonderful and we built it when I was about 10 years old (47 years ago) It lasted until a huge storm about 4 years ago that split the tree in half. My son took most of it and put it together again back on the ground so that the grandkids can now use it for a playhouse.
I've had trouble with my old blog so you can find me at my new one
Hope you will follow me there.
Great playhouse, Rose! Wish I had one when I was a kid - awesome!