Today, it's a normal day sitting at the computer located in the sun room. I can hear a muffled barking sound outside, I try to ignore it, but the sound won't go away. Upon opening the door,there's Missy, our oldest child(dog), who has been saying"Mommy, let me in".Missy with her mat of hair and a little larger body (she and I need to go on a diet), comes into the room, plops down on the carpet with no word of thank you. She has bad manners and it's not uncommon if you want her to move out of the way, she just looks at you with those sad eyes.?At our house, sometimes you can't get the children (dogs) to stay outside and play. I guess it's the heat today, that is a problem. As I say this, come to think of it, the "babies, all 5 follow mommy and daddy where ever we go. Back to the computer. I hear another sound. There's some scratching on the glass door, as well as singing with a high pitched voice. This interruption won't stop. Again, I open the door and little Ms. Molly, prances into the room. She has this thing about shaking her head and you feel like she is scolding you for not paying attention to her. After numerous attempts, Molly finally settles down in a chair and there is no noise. I, forgot to mention, that if you don't watch the crack in the door when you open it, another family member/ members will bolt and there they are in the house. Here's Megan, the "jumper", and Micki, the juvenile delinquent, joining Mommy and their 2 other siblings. Boy! some days, it's hard to be a mother. Megan must be hyperactive as she paces around the room before she settles down. Micki, our youngest child has so much energy. In and out behind furniture, not having enough sense that he gets stuck and all you see is this furry butt slowly backing out from beneath a chair. Don't know if he will ever learn he's too big. Molly is resting on her Daddy's /Mommy's recliner, watching Micki acting crazy sniffing and getting on furniture as well as continuing to inspect underneath the furniture. I wonder, if he is the designated "DUST PATROL"?It's difficult to sit down as Megan likes to be a lap dog Usually, I have to block her from getting on my lap if I can't hold her. Megan also, will push aside any of her siblings, as we try to get the attention of another child. She is determined to get her need of attention filled, even if her name isn't Missy, Molly, Micki, Murphy. Micki, in the mean time continues to inspect the room and furniture. Now, it's time to call it quits.Micki is the 1st to be kicked out, I mean asked to leave and go outside.(please don't report me to whoever for abuse). Micki upon being escorted out of the room, gives up and decides to go through the dogie door and joins his brother,Murphy, who has little sympathy for Micki. Murphy has restrictions to be in the other parts of the house. Murphy is still not diaper trained and one piece of furniture is as good as another, and up will go his leg and you can figure what next may happen. Eventually, I'm able to settle down until the children hear this imaginary sound and then they want to go outside to chase what they think is outside. Usually, it's nothing. I think they are paranoid. Little did I think I would become a mother of 5 howling babies. As much as I get frustrated at times, I love my babies. I know I'm a SUCKER.My husband has been on a trip for 2 weeks. It's difficult sleeping alone. Megan, has shared our bed as I like to talk to someone while in bed. Megan, is behaving and seems to enjoy some time out from her siblings. I know I'm nuts. Isn't love grand? While it's quiet, I'll get back to the computer before this cycle starts back up again with the babies. Do you have any situations with "your children" that seem ongoing and need to be changed or totally stopped? It's tough being a parent.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Today, it's a normal day sitting at the computer located in the sun room. I can hear a muffled barking sound outside, I try to ignore it, but the sound won't go away. Upon opening the door,there's Missy, our oldest child(dog), who has been saying"Mommy, let me in".Missy with her mat of hair and a little larger body (she and I need to go on a diet), comes into the room, plops down on the carpet with no word of thank you. She has bad manners and it's not uncommon if you want her to move out of the way, she just looks at you with those sad eyes.?At our house, sometimes you can't get the children (dogs) to stay outside and play. I guess it's the heat today, that is a problem. As I say this, come to think of it, the "babies, all 5 follow mommy and daddy where ever we go. Back to the computer. I hear another sound. There's some scratching on the glass door, as well as singing with a high pitched voice. This interruption won't stop. Again, I open the door and little Ms. Molly, prances into the room. She has this thing about shaking her head and you feel like she is scolding you for not paying attention to her. After numerous attempts, Molly finally settles down in a chair and there is no noise. I, forgot to mention, that if you don't watch the crack in the door when you open it, another family member/ members will bolt and there they are in the house. Here's Megan, the "jumper", and Micki, the juvenile delinquent, joining Mommy and their 2 other siblings. Boy! some days, it's hard to be a mother. Megan must be hyperactive as she paces around the room before she settles down. Micki, our youngest child has so much energy. In and out behind furniture, not having enough sense that he gets stuck and all you see is this furry butt slowly backing out from beneath a chair. Don't know if he will ever learn he's too big. Molly is resting on her Daddy's /Mommy's recliner, watching Micki acting crazy sniffing and getting on furniture as well as continuing to inspect underneath the furniture. I wonder, if he is the designated "DUST PATROL"?It's difficult to sit down as Megan likes to be a lap dog Usually, I have to block her from getting on my lap if I can't hold her. Megan also, will push aside any of her siblings, as we try to get the attention of another child. She is determined to get her need of attention filled, even if her name isn't Missy, Molly, Micki, Murphy. Micki, in the mean time continues to inspect the room and furniture. Now, it's time to call it quits.Micki is the 1st to be kicked out, I mean asked to leave and go outside.(please don't report me to whoever for abuse). Micki upon being escorted out of the room, gives up and decides to go through the dogie door and joins his brother,Murphy, who has little sympathy for Micki. Murphy has restrictions to be in the other parts of the house. Murphy is still not diaper trained and one piece of furniture is as good as another, and up will go his leg and you can figure what next may happen. Eventually, I'm able to settle down until the children hear this imaginary sound and then they want to go outside to chase what they think is outside. Usually, it's nothing. I think they are paranoid. Little did I think I would become a mother of 5 howling babies. As much as I get frustrated at times, I love my babies. I know I'm a SUCKER.My husband has been on a trip for 2 weeks. It's difficult sleeping alone. Megan, has shared our bed as I like to talk to someone while in bed. Megan, is behaving and seems to enjoy some time out from her siblings. I know I'm nuts. Isn't love grand? While it's quiet, I'll get back to the computer before this cycle starts back up again with the babies. Do you have any situations with "your children" that seem ongoing and need to be changed or totally stopped? It's tough being a parent.
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Very cute pictures and post Rose. We have 3 cats and one dog and they are all inside animals. Any time I have paperwork/bills to pay, the cats get right on top of my paperwork! I have to put them on the screened in porch in order to work. Never a dull moment for sure.
ReplyDeleteI only have one pet, a 2 yr old Lab. She follows whoever leaves the room.. either me or Mr. Skittles. Your pets remind me of my kids, the real ones, back when they were young, at home, and always busy doing something.
ReplyDeleteHi Rose...I just love when you come to visit!! Thanks so much for your "friendship" and leaving such lovely comments ~ they truly make my day!!
ReplyDeleteYou have a houseful of love right there. Have you ever visited Angela at West VIrginia Treasures - she has Show and Tail on Tuesdays you can link in to. THis would be great.
Your 'children' sure do keep you busy! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post and I love the photos too. I keep telling my hubby we need a fur baby that stays inside. He's not having it though. :-(
ReplyDeleteThere's something about computers/phones that attract animals/children like magnets! My boys would never bother me until the phone rang or I turned the computer on.
ReplyDeleteEddy the boxer and Squeak the cat have a love/hate relationship..they love to hate each other. Eddy eats her food and sleeps in her bed, she can go out when ever she wants and he hates that he has to be taken out with someone. So I'm contantly scolding him for eating her food if I forget to put it out of his reach. And I'm going through a lot of cat food. You'd think he would be better with cats since she was here first and he was a pup when they met..never gonna happen!
ReplyDeleteI know my Mollie the Molinator is related to your brood!
ReplyDeleteSWEET POST!
Ahhhh, they are all beautiful... who wouldn't be sucked in??? I am with my little boy all the time. Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteOur pets are so human, aren't they? Just last night two of my cats, the boys, were all over me on the couch. Jack next to me and Will on my lap. Their Dad just got home from work but he is chopped liver when I am around!
ReplyDeleteTime for a treat!
Are furry little friends are a spoiled bunch aren't they! But, they own our hearts so, what can we do? LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures of your "children" - they can be exhausting - but what would life be without them! I'm following you back and I'm so glad I found your authentic blog. I'm going to like visiting here. Smiles.
There is never a dull moment at your house, is there? I know the feeling quite well...Since we lost two of our five furry babies, it's been sooo much quieter around here, it's sad... Our babies live outside, and you are right, they don't appreciate the heat outside at all.
ReplyDeleteIt is tough being a parent, either way!
Rose, I just wanted to let you know that there is a blog award for you on my MiMi's Mini Tales blog today. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog :)
ReplyDeleteRose that was such a great post! You are a busy girl with all your "littles"...hehe...I have cats and so they aren't as demanding as your littles but that's not to say that they aren't as demanding!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is tough being a Mom!
Oh my! My kind of day!!
Too cute!!! We are pet-less. After my last cocker spaniel I decided that there would be no more four-legged friends at our house. But I am a dog lover!
ReplyDeleteRose, Thank you for visiting my post and the Congrats on my new grandson:) I am following you back and am enjoying reading your posts-I too love antiques!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Rose, Thank you for your comment on my log about the followers.
ReplyDeleteOur dog coco and I also,on diets! ( :
She is plus size, so needs to lose a bit of weight.
I love to read about your dogs and life!
Have a pretty day!
Rose-Tate is part schnauzer. On your profile you could put your direct email address if you wanted. I have mine along with an address I just us for blogging. That way if people want to converse off the blog they can.
ReplyDeleteI tried to reply to your comments on my blog through email. But I couldn't find an email address. Thank you so mcuh for your prayers for Chris.
ReplyDeleteHow many dogs do you have? wow they are so cute and very well taken care of.
ReplyDeleteOur seven follow me around constantly, or lay near or under my feet. We have a doggie door and since they are mostly house broken (I thought they totally were for the past several months until a couple of nights ago I saw Pip hike on a bag in the kitchen! I couldn't believe it!) They go in an out as they please... except OC. Since she has to be separated from Sadie now, at all times, & she has to be taken out in her wheelchair, I do have to take her out. She's got a huge bladder though, so that's only about 3 times a day.
ReplyDeleteMy "babies" are pretty much the center of my days too... :)