Tomorrow, is the official day we celebrate MEMORIAL Day. The day where we give more recognition to those military men and women who have died and served this country . We also recognize those who are currently serve this country. We,should always remind ourselves to pray for those who died, suffered injuries in war, those who are currently fighting in war zones ,those who are maintaining peace in different parts of the world, and those military officers who have the burden to make decisions that may mean life or death.My first husband served in Viet Nam. He was in the Air Force for 13 years. My father, was a WW If we look back, I feel that there is someone in our family history that was in the military.In this post, I have included photos that I took at Myrtle Hill Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in my area. In walking through this cemetery, it's hard not to think about how the lives of these veterans were affected by their time served in the military. I. know that neither my husband nor my father ever discussed their military experiences. They served this country and expected nothing in return except peace for people in this world. I, thank them for this.
Their names Known,
Their names Not Known,
into battle they silently move not wanting to be heard.
Eyes to the front, eyes to the right, eyes to the left,
searching for the enemy.
Rifles armed, aimed, shots fired.
In the distance, a body falls, the enemy.
I, know not his name, but I must move on
to the next before he kills me.
Oh! why do we have to have war?
Why, can't people take time to listen, understand, and
compromise without bloodshed?
Rose M.
I, visited my friend today.
He, no longer laughs, smiles, breathes.
He, is one of those many who have served this
country in the military.
His bed, is but a cold place in the ground.
He is sadly missed.
They say of him,"he served this country,he was brave"
Why do we have to have soldiers, why can't freedom always be
a part of life?
Let us not forget this friend who served for freedom.
Rose M.
Rose M.